很多考生在进行口语备考训练中,常常会记住一些的模板,然后直接插入陈述内容中,这样很容易导致前后矛盾和文不对题。很多时候是加一点承接词以为考官听不出来了。其实这样打错特错,例如我们说运动这个话题,很多考生会说不愿意运动,但是在卡片题中出现:An article you read online or from magazines about healthy living,或者An activity you do to keep fit.这时候考生又会话锋一转,认为运动特别好,平常也很爱运动之类的。跟part1的内容差很远,那时候再多模板也很难套进去。
2010 年1月23日雅思口语预测、
2010 年1月23日雅思口语预测
苏州环球雅思 沈初老师提醒各位考生,PART 2 红色部分尤其重要...MARIA SHEN
Part one
Are you studying or working? Do you love your major or job? What is your ideal job? Which way do you prefer , team work or individual work? what are the difficulties in your work or study?
2. Hometown
are you from? Tell me something about your hometown? Are there any changes happened in your hometown these years? Are there anything need to be improved in your hometown?
3. Flats & Houses & Cooking & Fruits
Where are you living, in a flat or a house? What can you see from your flat window? What are the things on the walls of your flat? Is there anything which needs to be improved in your flat? why do you people like to hang some paintings on the walls? Do you love eating fruits and vegetables? why? What kind of food is popular in china? Do you love cooking?
4. Shopping & Travelling & Holidays & Parties & Weather
3 d Do you love shopping? Where do you love to go shopping more, big shopping malls or small stores? how do you feel about fashion? what kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you love traveling? what is the meaning of travel? among all the places you have ever been to, where impressed you most? which parties do you love more, family parties or friends parties? when you hang out, you prefer to hang out alone or with your friends? What is the weather like in your hometown? what kind of weather do you love?
***5. Internet/ News/phones/ TV advertisements/ Letters/
When do you usually surf the internet and what do you usually do on the internet? what are the advantages of computers? which way do you love to write, by hands or computers? Cell phones, E-mails and letters, which ones do you love most? how often do you usually use E-mails? Do you love writing letters? Do kids in China love reading? explain why.what kind of TV programs do you love watching? do you love watching foreign TV programs? why?How do you think of those ads on TV? what are the differences between TV advertisements and magazine advertisements?
6. Birthdays & Gifts & Paintings & music
How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays? what are the important birthdays for chinese? Do you consider the price a lot when you select gifts for others? Do you love paintings? Why do you think parents in China are always forcing their kids to learn how to paint?Do you love listening to music/watching films? what kind of music/movie do you love? how do you feel about the phenomenon that parents in china are forcing their kids to learn how to play instruments?
7. Leisure Activities & Visits & flowers
Do you love going to art galleries and museums? How do you like to relax? How often do you usually get visits? How do you usually prepare for the visitors who go to your place? Do you love flowers? do you love planting them?
8. Sports & Swimming &Transportations &Bicycles & driving
Do you love swimming? Do you want to learn how to swim? is learning swimming necessary? What is the most popular sport in China? What is your favorite sport? Are there any good ways to keep fit? What are the advantages of riding bicycles in China? What is the most popular transportation in china? What is your favorite transportation? Do you know how to drive? When do you think is the right age for kids to learn how to drive? why?
Part two !
A People & Animals 5
* A great cook, *A good friend=A family member you want to talk to/spend time with=*A person who helped you=A neighbor *A leader=A famous person=A person you want to become one day=An idol=A celebrtiy=An intelligent person, A champion in a match, An animal
B Objects
*A piece of electronic equipment=A gift you received; A toy in your childhood=A childhood memory=* An old thing you keep in your family, * A letter=A photo, *A handicraft=A thing you DIY * A statue or a sculpture *A piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion
C Events
* A piece of good news you got from a phone call
* One favorite meal=A successful experience=A party you had=A happy event=A project (the group work) you did with others=A festival *A trip that didn't go as planned=*A traffic jam you experienced *A piece of advice=A visit you got lately=An important conversation you had with someone else=An important decision you made=An important stage in your life=A positive change in your life, * A lecture or a speech you love * An educational visit you made, *A sports event you watched; A performance or a show you watched=A public event *A game you played in your childhood=A happy childhood memory, A healthy lifestyle=A picnic at a park, *A science course you had (biology, chemistry...), A change you want to make in the future=your future
A special meal you have eaten (1月9号苏州西交利物浦考点考到)
D places
` * A museum, A park =A place that features water=Your favorite season=A city you have been to =A tourist attraction=A historical attraction *A library=A modern building=A shopping centre *A place you love to listen to music=A small store(a shop)=Your favorite part in your hometown=A flat or a house * An organization or a big company=your ideal job
E Media
*A childhood song you love *A piece of news you watched on TV=An article *A law in China=An advertisement=A film you love *A book you read= A TV program=A magazine=A website, A course you want to take=A second language you want to learn
A letter special to you (1月9号苏州西交利物浦考点考到)
雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示。
今天,环球青藤朱国伟老师和大家分享一篇关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章,值得大家阅读学习。更多精彩好文章,尽在环球青藤!雅思口语Part 3问题1:What are some reasons why people eat out ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示1:It’s a tradition that we intend to treat our friends and family on some special occasions , especially on birthday , and some important days . a fancy restaurant can provide us decent dining environment , delicious cuisines and thoughtful service . by the way , these days , office workers are getting busier , they have no time to prepare home cooked food , eating outside is the only remaining option .雅思口语Part 3问题2:Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or eat at home ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示2:I prefer to eat at home . my mother is good at cooking , she usually prepares a table of delicious dishes at home . by the way , my country has a notorious reputation of food security . so eating at home is much safer.雅思口语Part 3问题3 What are the differences between eating at home and eating at restaurants ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示3: Eating at restaurants , you may enjoying a decent dining environment , cuisines with different taste and flavor , and thoughtful service . compared to eating at restaurant , dishes prepared at home are simple but balanced and nutritious .雅思口语Part 3问题4In my opinion what is healthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示4: A healthy meal should be balanced and nutritious . in each meal , we need to intake various vegetables , different kinds of fruits and many types of proteins . by such way , we may maintain a good physical health .雅思口语Part 3问题5What are some examples of unhealthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示5:In my opinion , there are many types of unhealthy food , like western style fast food , desserts with high calories , and food sold at street vendors . food like French fries , hamburgers are very harmful to our health .以上即是本次环球青藤口语老师朱国伟的关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章分享。逻辑能力强,精通口语词汇。对于欧美的文化很了解。多年的教学经验帮助了不少雅思考生顺利进入理想学府,桃李满园。相信他的这篇文章必定能给与烤鸭们不少帮助和启发。如果对于我们雅思课程想了解更多的话,欢迎与环球青藤课程顾问做进一步的咨询与了解,这里有不同的单项课程以及全项课程,适合不同要求的你!后,环球托福预祝各位雅思考试取得!早日圆满出国留学梦!